
英文有声分级读物《Tales of China中国好故事》用英文讲最美中国故事(75个故事100集音频)初阶中阶高阶

英文有声分级读物《Tales of China中国好故事》用英文讲最美中国故事(75个故事100集音频)初阶中阶高阶

英文有声分级读物《Tales of China中国好故事》用英文讲最美中国故事(75个故事100集音频)初阶中阶高阶




001 除夕.mp3

001 除夕.pdf

004 腊~八.pdf

004 腊八.mp3

005 冬~至~.mp3

005 冬~至~.pdf

007 春~节~.mp3

007 春~节~.pdf

008 元~宵~节.mp3

008 元~宵~节.pdf

009 清~明~节.mp3

009 清~明~节.pdf

010 端~午~节.mp3

010 端~午~节.pdf

011 七~夕~节.mp3

011 七~夕~节.pdf

012 中~秋~节~.mp3

012 中~秋~节.pdf

013 重~阳~节~.mp3

013 重~阳~节~.pdf


01_Master Archer 百发百中.mp3

01_Master Archer 百发百中.pdf

03 Hurry Up,Plants 拔苗助长.mp3


04 The Early Bird Catches the Worm 笨鸟先飞.mp3


05 Powerful Mr. Fox 狐假虎威.mp3


06 Frogs Tasty World 井底之蛙.mp3


07 _Painting the Dragons to Life 画龙点睛.mp3


08 The Fake Musician 滥竽充数.mp3


09 FolkID_Discovering An Elephant 盲人摸象.mp3


10 Waiting for Rabbits 守株待兔.mp3


11 Better Late Than Never 亡羊补牢,未为迟也.mp3


12 A Masterpiece in the Making洛阳纸贵.mp3


13 Good or bad?塞翁失马焉知非福.mp3


14 Peach Paradise 世外桃源.mp3


15 The Spear and the Shield 自相矛盾.mp3


16 Meng Jiaos Happy Ride 走马看花.mp3



01 The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.mp3

01 The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.pdf

02 金斧头银斧头Part 1.mp3

02 金斧头银斧头Part 1.pdf

03 金斧头银斧头Part 2.mp3

03 金斧头银斧头Part 2.pdf

04 三个和尚Part 1.mp3

04 三个和尚Part 1.pdf

05 三个和尚Part 2.mp3

05 三个和尚Part 2.pdf

06 The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 3.mp3

06 The Three Monks_三个和尚Part 3.pdf

07 Folktales_Ox-man_Part 1 神农尝百草1.mp3

07 Folktales_Ox-man_Part 1 神农尝百草1.pdf

08 神农尝百草Part 2.mp3

08 神农尝百草Part 2.pdf

09 Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 3.mp3

09 Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 3.pdf

10 Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日.mp3

10 Kua Fu Chases the Sun 夸父追日.pdf

11 The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.mp3

11 The Snail Girl 田螺姑娘.pdf

12 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日1.mp3

12 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日1.pdf

13 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日2.mp3

13 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日2.pdf

14 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日3.mp3

14 HouYi and the happily Ever After 后羿射日3.pdf

15 Jing wei Fills the Sea 精卫填海.mp3

15 Jing wei Fills the Sea 精卫填海.pdf

16 The Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.mp3

16 The Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 1.pdf

17 The Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 2.mp3

17 The Ox-man_神农尝百草Part 2.pdf

18 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 1 宝莲灯1.mp3

18 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 1 宝莲灯1.pdf

19 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 2 宝莲灯2.mp3

19 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 2 宝莲灯2.pdf

20 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 3 宝莲灯3.mp3

20 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 3 宝莲灯3.pdf

21 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 4 宝莲灯4.mp3

21 Folktale_Family Matters_Part 4 宝莲灯4.pdf

22 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 1 聚宝盆1.mp3

22 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 1 聚宝盆1.pdf

23 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 2 聚宝盆2.mp3

23 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 2 聚宝盆2.pdf

24 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 3 聚宝盆3.mp3

24 Folktale_Magic Gold and Old Ding_Part 3 聚宝盆3.pdf

25 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 1 木兰从军1.mp3

25 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 1 木兰从军1.pdf

26 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 2 木兰从军2.mp3

26 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 2 木兰从军2.pdf

27 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 3 木兰从军3.mp3

27 Folktale_Hua MuLan_Part 3 木兰从军3.pdf

28 Folktale_Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth 盘古开天.mp3

28 Folktale_Pangu Separates the Sky and the Earth 盘古开天.pdf

29 Nuwa People_Part 1 女娲造人1.mp3

29 Nuwa People_Part 1 女娲造人1.pdf

30 Nuwa Makes People_Part 2 女娲造人 2.mp3

30 Nuwa Makes People_Part 2 女娲造人 2.pdf

31 Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 1 长发姑娘1.mp3

31 Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 1 长发姑娘1.pdf

32 Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 2 长发姑娘2.mp3

32 Folktale_The Long Haired Girl_Part 2 长发姑娘2.pdf

33 The Jade Emperors Zodiac Calender 生肖来源.mp3

33 The Jade Emperors Zodiac Calender 生肖来源.pdf



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